With the shortest day behind us, the longer days ahead will give us a chance to enjoy the outdoors, even if there’s still a need to rug up.
Technology stocks have driven Australian shares, and global markets, to new highs in the last 12 months. The S&P/ASX 200 finished the financial year 7.8% higher, slightly less than the previous year. Technology stocks gained 28% during the year.
In the US, the S&P 500 index rose 14% in the first six months of 2024 in one of the strongest performances since the dotcom bubble of the 1990s. Tech stocks were behind much of the gain, in particular AI chipmaker Nvidia, which overtook Microsoft and Apple as the world’s most valuable public company last month.
An interest rate cut is widely expected in September in the US but in Australia, many commentators predict another rate increase before the end of the year to help tame inflation. The RBA left interest rates unchanged at 4.35% at its June meeting but news that annual CPI was up by 4.0% in May compared with 3.6% in April will give the Bank cause for concern.
The Australian dollar ended the financial year almost where it began at just under US67 cents, after 12 months of volatility with highs of almost US69 cents and lows under US63 cents.
Market movements and review video – July 2024
Stay up to date with what’s happened in markets and the Australian economy over the past month.
Despite some signs of a weakening economy with stalling growth and a softening labour market, persistently high inflation is acting as a roadblock to the RBA’s possible rate cuts.
Markets have now priced in a risk that the RBA could hike rates as soon as the next meeting in August.
Australian shares finished the month close to where they started, with investor sentiment influenced by news of higher inflation and fears of another interest rate hike.
Click the video below to view our update.
Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with your personal financial situation.
To sell or not to sell is the question for moving into aged care
Moving into residential aged care can trigger a range of emotions, particularly if it involves the sale of the family home.

What is often a major financial asset, is also one that many people believe should be either kept in the family or its value preserved for future generations.
Whether or not the home has to be sold to pay for aged care depends on a number of factors, including who is living in it and what other financial resources or options are available to cover the potential cost of care.
It also makes a difference if the person moving into care receives Centrelink or Department of Veterans Affairs payments.
Cost of care
Centrelink determines the cost of aged care based on a person’s income and assets.i
For aged care cost purposes, the home is exempt from the cost of care calculation if a “protected person” is living in it when you move into care.
A protected person could be a spouse (including de facto); a dependent child or student; a close relative who has lived with the aged care resident for at least five years and who is entitled to Centrelink income support; or a residential carer who has lived with the aged care resident for at least two years and is eligible for Centrelink income support.ii
Capped home value
If the home is not exempt, the value of the home is capped at the current indexed rate of $201,231.iii
If you have assets above $201,231 – outside of the family home – then Centrelink would determine you pay the advertised Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) or equivalent daily interest rate known as the Daily Accommodation Payment (DAP), or a combination of both.
The average RAD is about $450,000. Based on the current interest rate of 8.36% [note – this is the rate from July 1] the equivalent DAP would be $103.07 a day.
Depending on your total income and assets, you may also be required to pay a daily means tested care fee. This fee has an indexed annual cap of $33,309 and lifetime cap of $79,942.
This is in addition to the basic daily fee of $61.96 and potentially an additional or extra service fee.
There is no requirement to sell the home to pay these potentially substantial costs, but if it is a major asset that is going to be left empty, it may make sense.
Other options to cover the costs may include using income or assets such as superannuation, renting the home (although this pushes up the means tested care fee and can reduce the age pension) or asking family to cover the costs.
Centrelink rules
For someone receiving Centrelink or DVA benefits, there is an important two-year rule.
The home is exempt for pension purposes if occupied by a spouse, otherwise it is exempt for up to two years or until sold.
If you are the last person living in the house and you move into aged care and still have your home after two years, its full value will be counted towards the age pension calculation. It can mean the loss of the pension.
Importantly, money paid towards the RAD, including the proceeds from a house, is exempt for age pension purposes.
Refundable Deposit
As the name suggests, the RAD is fully refundable when a person leaves aged care. If a house is sold to pay a RAD, then the full amount will ultimately be paid to the estate and distributed according to the person’s Will.
The decisions around whether to sell a home to pay for aged care are financial and emotional.
It’s important to understand all the implications before you make a decision.
Please call us to explore your options.
i https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/understanding-aged-care-home-accommodation-costs
ii https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/income-and-means-assessments
iii https://www.myagedcare.gov.au/income-and-means-assessments
When DIY does not pay off
“If you want something done right, you’ve got to do it yourself”

Not necessarily! The appeal of doing it yourself is understandable. There is a great feeling that comes with doing something that challenges you and with being resourceful and learning a new skill. However, there can be pitfalls to DIY and there are benefits from getting an expert involved sometimes.
We tend to be proud of what we create and place greater value on things we have made ourselves. There is a statistical difference between the dollar value someone places on something that they have built, compared to what another person would pay for it (this is for good reason known as the “Ikea effect” as it even applies to putting together flat-pack furniture).
Making DIY look easy
With all the information we have at our fingertips, encouraged by the appeal of learning a new skill and guided by the power of Google and YouTube videos, we are emboldened to give things a go. Whether it’s fixing that dripping tap, troubleshooting the laptop that’s playing up or even investing your hard-earned dollars, DIY has never looked so easy.
The growth in DIY
The DIY mindset seems to be one that is on the increase. When we think of DIY we tend to think of home improvement and fixing things around the home. This market has increased by almost 10 million dollars in the last ten years.i The statistics reveal more than half of us are taking up the tools, with 55 per cent of homeowners deciding to take on home improvement and repair jobs rather than seek professional help.ii
DIY can be a lot more than just picking up a hammer though, and our love of DIY also extends to our financials. The search for additional income in an inflationary environment has seen an increase in traders keen to take the reins and invest for themselves. Over the past decade there has been a steady increase in the share of retail investors, with equity trades by a retail investor nearly doubling in volume from a decade ago.iii Equally, when it comes to getting ready for retirement the number of people setting up self-managed super funds (SMSFs) continues to rise, increasing by around 9 per cent over the past 5 years.iv
Reasons to be careful
There is a lot more to lose if there is a problem with your financial situation than a tap that’s leaking though, so it’s important to think about what is at stake when you manage any aspect of your own financials.
The bottom line is you want to be getting the best outcomes and that does not always happen if you are taking a DIY approach. For example, when it comes to investing, a number of academic studies have shown that DIY investors tend to underperform the market and that underperformance ranges between 1% to 10% per year.v
Getting an expert involved
The trick with any form of DIY is to do your research, understand the task and what’s involved, and acknowledge when you might benefit from a helping hand. There are times when it’s OK to have a go yourself and times when it makes more sense to get advice and support. You can still learn and gain skills that you can apply to future situations but it can make sense to maximise your efforts, while leveraging the skills of the experts.
When it comes to your financial life, whether it’s investing and growing your wealth, protecting your wealth, retirement planning or estate planning, there is a lot to know and consider, and consulting with an expert can really add value and help you avoid potential pitfalls.
Getting help does not mean being passive and not engaged, however. The best outcomes are achieved when we actively work together in partnership to achieve your desired outcomes.
There is a world of difference between totally going it alone and maybe floundering a little, and getting advice and guidance to reach the best outcome. So, if you want something done right, sometimes it is best to call in the experts! We are here to help.
i https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/diy-home-improvement-market/market-size
ii https://blog.idashboard.com.au/2022/05/13/understanding-the-home-improvement-and-diy-market/
iii https://public.com/documents/2023-the-retail-investor-report
iv https://www.morningstar.com.au/insights/retirement/246207/smsfs-continue-to-thrive
v https://occaminvesting.co.uk/do-diy-investors-underperform/
Enjoy the now and secure your future
Managing your financial situation always involves tension between how you live your life now and preparing for your future – whatever that looks like.

The worry about not getting the balance right and making unnecessary sacrifices now – or not having enough money for the things you want to do in the future is a common and valid concern we hear when we talk to clients. You want to be living your best life now which means not living too frugally or worrying about your future. At the same time, you don’t want the choices you are making now in how you live your life to impact or make impossible the wonderful life you envision for yourself down the track.
Balance whatever your stage of life
We all have financial goals – whether you are saving for your children’s education, working towards that once in a lifetime round the world trip, freeing up finances for a gap year, or setting yourself up for a wonderful retirement. It’s important to balance your ‘now’ with your ‘future’ when it comes to spending, saving, and investing to make sure you can achieve those goals. You don’t want to regret your spending – or on the other hand live a frugal life and look back on opportunities you missed while you were squirrelling it away.
The tension between the ‘now’ and your ‘future’ with respect to your finances can be even more heightened when you have retired. It can be a strange adjustment suddenly not having a wage coming in and living off your savings, super and investments. It’s common, and quite understandable, to worry about not having enough to last the distance, particularly given that a 65-year-old today may live well into their 90’s and could spend up to three decades in retirement.i No one wants to outlive their savings.
However, many retirees live unnecessarily frugal lives as evidenced by a 2020 Retirement Income Review which found that most people die with the bulk of their retirement wealth intact.ii Those that live frugally do so often not from necessity but because they don’t have an understanding of their financial needs, including how these will change over time, and how much they can afford to spend.
How the balance changes over time
That balance is hard to hit. It is different for different people, and your approach to saving and spending will change at various stages of your life.
If you are paying off a difficult to maintain level of debt or in the final stages of scraping together a deposit for a home, making sacrifices now in the way you live life your life might feel OK. Equally if you have spent much of your life building wealth, letting loose the reins a little and going on that cruise might be something you are extremely comfortable with.
Certainty now and confidence in the future
Whatever your stage of life, achieving the right balance comes from having an in-depth understanding of your financial situation now, and establishing and maintaining a personalised plan that takes into account all aspects of your financials – your earning capacity, level of debt, assets and very importantly, the life you want to live today and your goals for the future.
The importance of receiving support with financial planning is reinforced in a recent report which indicated advised Australians are significantly more likely to say they feel confident in achieving their financial goals (71 per cent) compared with those who are not receiving support (55 per cent).iii
The same proportion said that they were living well now, stating their finances allow them to “do the things I want and enjoy in life.” And those receiving advice are also balancing the “now” with their future needs. Those accessing financial advice also indicated they were more likely to be financially prepared for retirement and have a higher savings balance.
This confidence that comes from receiving personalised advice also means being more prepared when people leave the workforce (and a wage) behind. Advised Australians are significantly more likely to feel very or reasonably prepared for retirement (76 per cent), than those without advice (45 per cent).iv
The key to achieving a balance between living your best life now and being financially secure in the future is knowledge. If we know that tomorrow is shaping up well for us, we may worry a little less today, feel a little less guilty when we spend today and be less likely to have regrets about spending – or about missing out – further down the track.
i https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/life-expectancy-deaths/deaths-in-australia/contents/life-expectancy
ii https://treasury.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-02/p2020-100554-ud00b_key_obs.pdf
iii https://www.netwealth.com.au/web/insights/the-advisable-australian/understanding-australian-advice-clients-better/#download
iv https://www.netwealth.com.au/web/insights/the-advisable-australian/understanding-australian-advice-clients-better